Appreciation for Avatar Adi Da's Work

On Avatar Adi Da’s
Spiritual Work and Writings

"A rare being...

It is obvious, from all sorts of subtle details, that he knows what IT’s all about— a rare being . . . I think we have an avatar here. I can’t believe it. I have searched for such a one all my life.

"A Pole around which the world can get its bearings...

If there is a man today who is God-illumined, that man is Avatar Adi Da Samraj. There exists nowhere in the world, among Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or any other groups, anyone who has so much to teach. Avatar Adi Da is a force to be reckoned with, a Pole around which the world can get its bearings.

"A contemporary religious genius...

From the day I first encountered the writings of Adi Da (as Da Free John) in the mid-80s, I knew that I was reading a contemporary religious genius. The writings of Adi Da Samraj . . . are the most doctrinally thorough, the most philosophically sophisticated, the most culturally challenging, and the most creatively original literature on radical nonduality currently available in the English language.

"A glimmering of eternal life...

Adi Da Samraj has spoken directly to the heart of our human situation—the shocking gravity of our brief and unbidden lives. Through his words I have experienced a glimmering of eternal life, and view my own existence as timeless and spaceless in a way that I never have before.

"Of profound and decisive spiritual significance...

The life and teaching of Adi Da Samraj are of profound and decisive spiritual significance at this critical moment in history.

"The most profound Spiritual autobiography of all time...

The Knee of Listening is without a doubt the most profound Spiritual autobiography of all time.

"A body of work that surpasses in its force and insight that of any other author and teacher of our time...

Adi Da Samraj has created a body of work that surpasses in its force and insight that of any other author and teacher of our time.... The present book [The Gnosticon] is a mature document that culminates forty or more years of reflection and articulation on Adi Da Samraj's part. I can only add my own humble invitation to all to plunge into its ecstatic waters and savor The Gnosticon.

"Thank you for this masterpiece...

Easy Death is an exciting, stimulating, and thought-provoking book that adds immensely to the ever-increasing literature on the phenomena of life and death. But, more important, perhaps, it is a confirmation that a life filled with love instead of fear can lead to ultimately meaningful life and death. Thank you for this masterpiece.

"It is a refreshment at every page to read Easy Death...

It is a refreshment at every page to read Easy Death. This may seem paradoxical, in view of the fearful uncertainty with which most Westerners look forward to dying. But Adi Da Samraj's words about the relation of death to life, love, surrender, and transformation have a clarity of mind and emotion that feels like a fresh breeze. 

"One of the greatest teachers...

I regard Heart-Master Adi Da as one of the greatest teachers in the Western world today.

"This vision deserves to be read and pondered...

At this crossroads in history, many serious attempts are being made to steer humanity toward a new and sustainable civilization. Among them, this book by Adi Da [Not-Two Is Peace] is outstanding as a unique and radical message oriented to meet the global state of emergency through a new modus operandi, “the working-presumption of prior unity”, and a Global Cooperative Forum that could empower the more than six billion inhabitants of the planet to take their destiny into their own hand. This vision deserves to be read and pondered, and decisively acted upon.

"This great friend of the whole world reaches out...

In Adi Da’s wonderful book [Not-Two Is Peace], this great friend of the whole world reaches out, with impeccably loving truth, profound compassion, and enlightened insight, to offer humanity a way forward to heal and re-solve our dis-membered psyche and thus our dysfunctional behaviors that continue to arise from its schism. Adi Da identifies its cause as our ego-based illusion of the apparent separation of the world and our collective forgetting of its and our “prior unity”. Not only is his understanding of unity-expressed-in-diversity vital at this pivotal moment in human history, but it is gaining compelling and transformational validation from the latest scientific evidence.

"This important book should be read carefully...

The narrative of Adi Da’s book [Not-Two Is Peace] is simple, powerful, accessible, and compassionate. And his message, grounded in global wisdom, is urgent and timely.... This important book should be read carefully and put into practice by all global citizens.

"Adi Da’s teachings shine like a bright star of hope...

The work of Adi Da invites humanity to step through a portal into the nature of Reality Itself. With the power and poise of a true spiritual master, Adi Da uses this book [Not-Two Is Peace] to plant the seeds for a morally enlightened civilization based in the principle of prior unity, rather than in separation, domination, and control. At times fierce, at times gentle, Adi Da’s teachings shine like a bright star of hope that humanity can use to navigate its way forward. In humanity’s curriculum, this book is required reading.

"Adi Da powerfully and elegantly cuts through the collective delusion...

In this book [Not-Two Is Peace], Adi Da powerfully and elegantly cuts through the collective delusion of separateness upon which modern society is founded. He calls for the establishment of a Global Cooperative Forum based on the presumption of our prior, underlying, and inherent unity. He writes his wisdom into a time on this planet when, if we do not all start acting, all at once, for the common good, life on this planet will become unlivable for all of us. This book establishes the essential foundation for a new cooperative world order arising from the unity which is prior to our diversity.

"Let us invest in this work of genius immediately...

Adi Da quietly arrives on the doorstep of the evolution of consciousness, revealing, step by step, what is required to sustain humanity and this beautiful planet. We should all be very interested in the mysterious state of “prior unity”. Let us invest in this work of genius immediately. Let us never put this book [Not-Two Is Peace] on the shelf. It is a living document, forever active.

"Extraordinary collection of illuminating essays...

This extraordinary collection of illuminating essays [in Not-Two Is Peace] offers a deep diagnosis of humanity’s predicament. The cure Adi Da prescribes, based on higher laws, is simultaneously radical, urgent, and straightforward. Adi Da’s is a uniquely authentic and compelling voice in this global age.

"In this visionary and epochal book, Adi Da reminds us...

Through the ages, people have struggled with the idea that consciousness and being are a priori to physical manifestation. Today, our awareness of timeless union and inner value finds fragmented expression in a myriad of linear phenomena that we take for reality, including sovereign boundaries, property rights, market prices, interest rates, cyclical bubbles, and externalities such as pollution, poverty, social conflict, terrorism, and war. In this visionary and epochal book [Not-Two Is Peace], Adi Da reminds us that humanity is already always a mass subjective unity and beckons us to fully externalize this conscious interconnectivity and ontological interdependence through our economic, social, and political institutions and collective decision-making.

"A message of compassion..."

At this critical moment in the history of the human family, when the very foundations of civilization are being challenged, there is a message of compassion being spoken by one grounded in enduring wisdom and true discernment. In Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da writes of the urgent need for a new form of global discourse, based on the recognition of the underlying unity of humankind. Such discourse would renew the ideals that originally underlay the foundation of the United Nations. And it would require humankind as a whole to listen to the ordinary people all over the world who are in dire need of greater human security.

"A provocative and outstanding book...

Conductivity Healing is a provocative and outstanding book dealing with the complexity of life. In simple terms, this book is about restoring the flow of energy in a direction that supports aliveness, health and creativity. I’ve always known, as a physician and psychotherapist, that when energy is obstructed, illness and pathology frequently follow. This book—from the Enlightened and highly intuitive Avatar Adi Da Samraj—is an absolute treasure, revealing several methodologies that support harmonious healing frequencies for not only the physical body, but for the emotional and spiritual domains as well. I loved reading it. Highly recommended!

"One of the most penetrating spiritual and social experiments happening on the planet...

I regard the work of Adi Da and his devotees as one of the most penetrating spiritual and social experiments happening on the planet in our era.

"His unique body of teaching work offers a rare and extraordinary opportunity...

Adi Da Samraj and his unique body of teaching work offer a rare and extraordinary opportunity for those courageous students who are ready to move beyond ego and take the plunge into deepest communion with the Absolute. Importantly, the teaching is grounded in explicit discussion of necessary psycho-spiritual evolution and guides the student to self-responsibility and self-awareness.

"Conductivity Healing is an eloquent invitation...

Conductivity Healing is an eloquent invitation to go beyond the limitations of physical being and understand ourselves as energy; to consciously be alive as energy and live our lives as energy in relation to ourselves and to others.

"Prior Unity is a simple, all-penetrating insight...

Prior Unity is a simple, all-penetrating insight. When you allow yourself to be touched by it, opened up by it, it will turn you upside down. When I contemplate Adi Da’s Realization—that unity is prior to everything—it becomes so obvious how much my presumptions come from the directly opposite place. That difference and separation create the world. To come from the other side is somehow like matter meeting anti-matter. When consciousness touches this, it becomes a realization that one just never forgets.

"This is a sacred book...

We are all part of the one life, the prior unity that expresses itself in myriad ways. This compilation of Adi Da’s pointers to the truth speaks to the place in us far beyond the mind. This is a sacred book to be read from the
sacred space within us that has never forgotten we have always been one and we can manifest this prior unity on earth straight away.

On Avatar Adi Da’s Art

"Expressive depth and profound intimacy...

It is a rare artist who can convey, convincingly, the sense of being face to face with the source of being. Adi Da can clearly live in the depths without succumbing to their pressure, bringing back pearls of art to prove it.

What is perhaps most striking about Adi Da’s photographs is their gnostic quality—the intricate movement of light and shadow that gives them their expressive depth and profound intimacy. It is more than a matter of standard chiaroscuro. Adi Da is not simply employing the evocative power of light and shadow, but bringing out their emblematic character. Interweaving them—and in numerous works skeins of light (“the fire of the sun”) play over and within shadowy if transparent water (“the water of life”)—Adi Da suggests the union of opposites that is the core of mystical experience. Ecstatic experience of their unity brings with it a sense of the immeasurable.

"Images that returned me to an experience of “epiphany”...

I believe that art should always be a surprise. It must create, even in the critic, not emotion, but a sense of insecurity. When one views Adi Da’s art, it is easy to see “pop art”, “op art”, all the possible linguistic, ethnological, and iconographic references—but, in the end, the final work is always a surprise. With Adi Da’s work, I did not simply find myself in front of a new personal iconographic universe, but rather in front of images that returned me to an experience of “epiphany”.

"A message animated by timeless and universal truths...

Who is Adi Da Samraj? I cannot say. But I do know that he offers a timely and especially essential message—a message animated by timeless and universal truths. His written work and his art are a whisper reminding us of the necessary and infinite that define us. He is one of the great secrets and comforts of the last century.

"Restore(s) a transcendental spirituality to the materialism of the machine aesthetic...

Adi Da’s pursuit of the spiritual paths found in early abstraction, from Kandinsky to Mondrian, and [his] translation of that pursuit into the digital age, restore a transcendental spirituality to the materialism of the machine aesthetic.

"He gives that which we see around us meaning...

Clearly Adi Da is an artist focused on understanding the basis of real life, of human life, and trying to understand the connection between everyday life and human needs. Everyday life is not simply something realistic and linked to the needs of the human body. It is something linked to superior considerations. The art of Adi Da is clearly focused on this.

Beauty is balance. Adi Da takes chaos and in a certain sense simplifies it, but in another sense makes it even more complex; and in an aesthetic, moral, philosophical, and spiritual sense, he gives that which we see around us meaning.

"Redefining the nature of art...

Through his artwork, Adi Da is redefining the nature of art, returning art to its ancient, sacred origins. In his remarkable, transformative artwork, viewers are being given both an embodiment of Adi Da’s realization, and an opportunity to experience the ecstatic unity of creation. His images… offer a truly rare opportunity for revelation.

"Adi Da challenges our culture to return art to its original, sacred purpose...

Before we can participate in truth and the beautiful as aesthetic experience, Adi Da says, our emerging world culture needs to be transformed by the possibilities of sacred energy, the Light that runs through all things. It is a mystical view that runs through both Western and Eastern cultures, from the biblical call to “see with new eyes”, to St. Francis Assisi’s understanding of the natural world as expressing divine presence, to the Chinese scholar-artists’ perception of the formlessness in form, to the transformative spaces of Monet or Rothko. This intuitive stance provides hope for romantic and mystical artists, hope that the essence of their work will become manifest.

That Adi Da challenges our culture to return art to its original, sacred purpose without merely recreating a long-lost past makes Transcendental Realism a significant work, not only for artists but anyone who senses the limitations of contemporary culture and strives to create a more vivid way of being.

"The Mummery Book is brilliant in all its aspects...

The Mummery Book is brilliant in all its aspects. It would be hard to express my happiness at the way it breaks and exposes the heart of the world. Living and working as a writer for many decades, I have not encountered a book like this, that mysteriously and unselfconsciously conveys so much of the Unspeakable Reality.

"An absolutely unique literary experience...

At the level of form and style, The Mummery Book is reminiscent of Gertrude Stein, e.e. cummings, and Joyce. Adi Da makes words crackle and swoon, pound and console with an endless suggestiveness guided by a desire to open up the reader’s heart and imagination to the possibility of transformation…. As playful as it is profound, as heart-breaking as it is consoling, The Mummery Book is an absolutely unique literary experience.

"If you thirst for truth, here is a rare opportunity to drink...

My relationship with Adi Da Samraj over more than 25 years has only confirmed His Realization and the Truth of his impeccable Teaching. He is much more than simply an inspiration for my music, but a living demonstration that perfect transcendence is actually possible. This is both a great relief and a great challenge. If you thirst for truth, here is a rare opportunity to drink.

"The Mummery Book is a most extraordinary novel indeed...

Adi Da’s The Mummery Book is a most extraordinary novel indeed. While contemporary postmodern fiction claims to have assimilated the most daring philosophical experiments of the twentieth century, too many contemporary authors have forgotten the spiritual substance of these experiments, so that their literary works remain mere exercise in style. Without the slightest bit of scholarly pedantry, The Mummery Book is devoted to the real problem that engages contemporary philosophy and political theory: finitude, mortality, the critique of egoic subjectivity, and above all the affirmation of life in the face of its apparently tragic character.

"The Mummery Book is a vortex...

If Dylan Thomas and Buddha shared a soul, The Mummery Book is what I would expect from such a joining. The Mummery Book is a vortex which, if you will permit it, will enliven, awaken, and rejuvenate the soul not only of this mortal life, but the soul of every existence possible. The Mummery Book is lucid, wild, an unraveling portrait of ego-life and a radiant vision of transcendence, which pass each other on the heart’s walk across the pages of this luminous book.

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On Avatar Adi Da’s
Spiritual Work and Writings

"A rare being...

It is obvious, from all sorts of subtle details, that he knows what IT’s all about— a rare being . . . I think we have an avatar here. I can’t believe it. I have searched for such a one all my life.

"A Pole around which the world can get its bearings...

If there is a man today who is God-illumined, that man is Avatar Adi Da Samraj. There exists nowhere in the world, among Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or any other groups, anyone who has so much to teach. Avatar Adi Da is a force to be reckoned with, a Pole around which the world can get its bearings.

"A contemporary religious genius...

From the day I first encountered the writings of Adi Da (as Da Free John) in the mid-80s, I knew that I was reading a contemporary religious genius. The writings of Adi Da Samraj . . . are the most doctrinally thorough, the most philosophically sophisticated, the most culturally challenging, and the most creatively original literature on radical nonduality currently available in the English language.

"A glimmering of eternal life...

Adi Da Samraj has spoken directly to the heart of our human situation—the shocking gravity of our brief and unbidden lives. Through his words I have experienced a glimmering of eternal life, and view my own existence as timeless and spaceless in a way that I never have before.

"Of profound and decisive spiritual significance...

The life and teaching of Adi Da Samraj are of profound and decisive spiritual significance at this critical moment in history.

"The most profound Spiritual autobiography of all time...

The Knee of Listening is without a doubt the most profound Spiritual autobiography of all time.

"A body of work that surpasses in its force and insight that of any other author and teacher of our time...

Adi Da Samraj has created a body of work that surpasses in its force and insight that of any other author and teacher of our time.... The present book [The Gnosticon] is a mature document that culminates forty or more years of reflection and articulation on Adi Da Samraj's part. I can only add my own humble invitation to all to plunge into its ecstatic waters and savor The Gnosticon.

"Thank you for this masterpiece...

Easy Death is an exciting, stimulating, and thought-provoking book that adds immensely to the ever-increasing literature on the phenomena of life and death. But, more important, perhaps, it is a confirmation that a life filled with love instead of fear can lead to ultimately meaningful life and death. Thank you for this masterpiece.

"It is a refreshment at every page to read Easy Death...

It is a refreshment at every page to read Easy Death. This may seem paradoxical, in view of the fearful uncertainty with which most Westerners look forward to dying. But Adi Da Samraj's words about the relation of death to life, love, surrender, and transformation have a clarity of mind and emotion that feels like a fresh breeze. 

"One of the greatest teachers...

I regard Heart-Master Adi Da as one of the greatest teachers in the Western world today.

"This vision deserves to be read and pondered...

At this crossroads in history, many serious attempts are being made to steer humanity toward a new and sustainable civilization. Among them, this book by Adi Da [Not-Two Is Peace] is outstanding as a unique and radical message oriented to meet the global state of emergency through a new modus operandi, “the working-presumption of prior unity”, and a Global Cooperative Forum that could empower the more than six billion inhabitants of the planet to take their destiny into their own hand. This vision deserves to be read and pondered, and decisively acted upon.

"This great friend of the whole world reaches out...

In Adi Da’s wonderful book [Not-Two Is Peace], this great friend of the whole world reaches out, with impeccably loving truth, profound compassion, and enlightened insight, to offer humanity a way forward to heal and re-solve our dis-membered psyche and thus our dysfunctional behaviors that continue to arise from its schism. Adi Da identifies its cause as our ego-based illusion of the apparent separation of the world and our collective forgetting of its and our “prior unity”. Not only is his understanding of unity-expressed-in-diversity vital at this pivotal moment in human history, but it is gaining compelling and transformational validation from the latest scientific evidence.

"This important book should be read carefully...

The narrative of Adi Da’s book [Not-Two Is Peace] is simple, powerful, accessible, and compassionate. And his message, grounded in global wisdom, is urgent and timely.... This important book should be read carefully and put into practice by all global citizens.

"Adi Da’s teachings shine like a bright star of hope...

The work of Adi Da invites humanity to step through a portal into the nature of Reality Itself. With the power and poise of a true spiritual master, Adi Da uses this book [Not-Two Is Peace] to plant the seeds for a morally enlightened civilization based in the principle of prior unity, rather than in separation, domination, and control. At times fierce, at times gentle, Adi Da’s teachings shine like a bright star of hope that humanity can use to navigate its way forward. In humanity’s curriculum, this book is required reading.

"Adi Da powerfully and elegantly cuts through the collective delusion...

In this book [Not-Two Is Peace], Adi Da powerfully and elegantly cuts through the collective delusion of separateness upon which modern society is founded. He calls for the establishment of a Global Cooperative Forum based on the presumption of our prior, underlying, and inherent unity. He writes his wisdom into a time on this planet when, if we do not all start acting, all at once, for the common good, life on this planet will become unlivable for all of us. This book establishes the essential foundation for a new cooperative world order arising from the unity which is prior to our diversity.

"Let us invest in this work of genius immediately...

Adi Da quietly arrives on the doorstep of the evolution of consciousness, revealing, step by step, what is required to sustain humanity and this beautiful planet. We should all be very interested in the mysterious state of “prior unity”. Let us invest in this work of genius immediately. Let us never put this book [Not-Two Is Peace] on the shelf. It is a living document, forever active.

"Extraordinary collection of illuminating essays...

This extraordinary collection of illuminating essays [in Not-Two Is Peace] offers a deep diagnosis of humanity’s predicament. The cure Adi Da prescribes, based on higher laws, is simultaneously radical, urgent, and straightforward. Adi Da’s is a uniquely authentic and compelling voice in this global age.

"In this visionary and epochal book, Adi Da reminds us...

Through the ages, people have struggled with the idea that consciousness and being are a priori to physical manifestation. Today, our awareness of timeless union and inner value finds fragmented expression in a myriad of linear phenomena that we take for reality, including sovereign boundaries, property rights, market prices, interest rates, cyclical bubbles, and externalities such as pollution, poverty, social conflict, terrorism, and war. In this visionary and epochal book [Not-Two Is Peace], Adi Da reminds us that humanity is already always a mass subjective unity and beckons us to fully externalize this conscious interconnectivity and ontological interdependence through our economic, social, and political institutions and collective decision-making.

"A message of compassion..."

At this critical moment in the history of the human family, when the very foundations of civilization are being challenged, there is a message of compassion being spoken by one grounded in enduring wisdom and true discernment. In Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da writes of the urgent need for a new form of global discourse, based on the recognition of the underlying unity of humankind. Such discourse would renew the ideals that originally underlay the foundation of the United Nations. And it would require humankind as a whole to listen to the ordinary people all over the world who are in dire need of greater human security.

"A provocative and outstanding book...

Conductivity Healing is a provocative and outstanding book dealing with the complexity of life. In simple terms, this book is about restoring the flow of energy in a direction that supports aliveness, health and creativity. I’ve always known, as a physician and psychotherapist, that when energy is obstructed, illness and pathology frequently follow. This book—from the Enlightened and highly intuitive Avatar Adi Da Samraj—is an absolute treasure, revealing several methodologies that support harmonious healing frequencies for not only the physical body, but for the emotional and spiritual domains as well. I loved reading it. Highly recommended!

"One of the most penetrating spiritual and social experiments happening on the planet...

I regard the work of Adi Da and his devotees as one of the most penetrating spiritual and social experiments happening on the planet in our era.

"His unique body of teaching work offers a rare and extraordinary opportunity...

Adi Da Samraj and his unique body of teaching work offer a rare and extraordinary opportunity for those courageous students who are ready to move beyond ego and take the plunge into deepest communion with the Absolute. Importantly, the teaching is grounded in explicit discussion of necessary psycho-spiritual evolution and guides the student to self-responsibility and self-awareness.

"Conductivity Healing is an eloquent invitation...

Conductivity Healing is an eloquent invitation to go beyond the limitations of physical being and understand ourselves as energy; to consciously be alive as energy and live our lives as energy in relation to ourselves and to others.

"Prior Unity is a simple, all-penetrating insight...

Prior Unity is a simple, all-penetrating insight. When you allow yourself to be touched by it, opened up by it, it will turn you upside down. When I contemplate Adi Da’s Realization—that unity is prior to everything—it becomes so obvious how much my presumptions come from the directly opposite place. That difference and separation create the world. To come from the other side is somehow like matter meeting anti-matter. When consciousness touches this, it becomes a realization that one just never forgets.

"This is a sacred book...

We are all part of the one life, the prior unity that expresses itself in myriad ways. This compilation of Adi Da’s pointers to the truth speaks to the place in us far beyond the mind. This is a sacred book to be read from the
sacred space within us that has never forgotten we have always been one and we can manifest this prior unity on earth straight away.

On Avatar Adi Da’s Art

"Expressive depth and profound intimacy...

It is a rare artist who can convey, convincingly, the sense of being face to face with the source of being. Adi Da can clearly live in the depths without succumbing to their pressure, bringing back pearls of art to prove it.

What is perhaps most striking about Adi Da’s photographs is their gnostic quality—the intricate movement of light and shadow that gives them their expressive depth and profound intimacy. It is more than a matter of standard chiaroscuro. Adi Da is not simply employing the evocative power of light and shadow, but bringing out their emblematic character. Interweaving them—and in numerous works skeins of light (“the fire of the sun”) play over and within shadowy if transparent water (“the water of life”)—Adi Da suggests the union of opposites that is the core of mystical experience. Ecstatic experience of their unity brings with it a sense of the immeasurable.

"Images that returned me to an experience of “epiphany”...

I believe that art should always be a surprise. It must create, even in the critic, not emotion, but a sense of insecurity. When one views Adi Da’s art, it is easy to see “pop art”, “op art”, all the possible linguistic, ethnological, and iconographic references—but, in the end, the final work is always a surprise. With Adi Da’s work, I did not simply find myself in front of a new personal iconographic universe, but rather in front of images that returned me to an experience of “epiphany”.

"A message animated by timeless and universal truths...

Who is Adi Da Samraj? I cannot say. But I do know that he offers a timely and especially essential message—a message animated by timeless and universal truths. His written work and his art are a whisper reminding us of the necessary and infinite that define us. He is one of the great secrets and comforts of the last century.

"Restore(s) a transcendental spirituality to the materialism of the machine aesthetic...

Adi Da’s pursuit of the spiritual paths found in early abstraction, from Kandinsky to Mondrian, and [his] translation of that pursuit into the digital age, restore a transcendental spirituality to the materialism of the machine aesthetic.

"He gives that which we see around us meaning...

Clearly Adi Da is an artist focused on understanding the basis of real life, of human life, and trying to understand the connection between everyday life and human needs. Everyday life is not simply something realistic and linked to the needs of the human body. It is something linked to superior considerations. The art of Adi Da is clearly focused on this.

Beauty is balance. Adi Da takes chaos and in a certain sense simplifies it, but in another sense makes it even more complex; and in an aesthetic, moral, philosophical, and spiritual sense, he gives that which we see around us meaning.

"Redefining the nature of art...

Through his artwork, Adi Da is redefining the nature of art, returning art to its ancient, sacred origins. In his remarkable, transformative artwork, viewers are being given both an embodiment of Adi Da’s realization, and an opportunity to experience the ecstatic unity of creation. His images… offer a truly rare opportunity for revelation.

"Adi Da challenges our culture to return art to its original, sacred purpose...

Before we can participate in truth and the beautiful as aesthetic experience, Adi Da says, our emerging world culture needs to be transformed by the possibilities of sacred energy, the Light that runs through all things. It is a mystical view that runs through both Western and Eastern cultures, from the biblical call to “see with new eyes”, to St. Francis Assisi’s understanding of the natural world as expressing divine presence, to the Chinese scholar-artists’ perception of the formlessness in form, to the transformative spaces of Monet or Rothko. This intuitive stance provides hope for romantic and mystical artists, hope that the essence of their work will become manifest.

That Adi Da challenges our culture to return art to its original, sacred purpose without merely recreating a long-lost past makes Transcendental Realism a significant work, not only for artists but anyone who senses the limitations of contemporary culture and strives to create a more vivid way of being.

"The Mummery Book is brilliant in all its aspects...

The Mummery Book is brilliant in all its aspects. It would be hard to express my happiness at the way it breaks and exposes the heart of the world. Living and working as a writer for many decades, I have not encountered a book like this, that mysteriously and unselfconsciously conveys so much of the Unspeakable Reality.

"An absolutely unique literary experience...

At the level of form and style, The Mummery Book is reminiscent of Gertrude Stein, e.e. cummings, and Joyce. Adi Da makes words crackle and swoon, pound and console with an endless suggestiveness guided by a desire to open up the reader’s heart and imagination to the possibility of transformation…. As playful as it is profound, as heart-breaking as it is consoling, The Mummery Book is an absolutely unique literary experience.

"If you thirst for truth, here is a rare opportunity to drink...

My relationship with Adi Da Samraj over more than 25 years has only confirmed His Realization and the Truth of his impeccable Teaching. He is much more than simply an inspiration for my music, but a living demonstration that perfect transcendence is actually possible. This is both a great relief and a great challenge. If you thirst for truth, here is a rare opportunity to drink.

"The Mummery Book is a most extraordinary novel indeed...

Adi Da’s The Mummery Book is a most extraordinary novel indeed. While contemporary postmodern fiction claims to have assimilated the most daring philosophical experiments of the twentieth century, too many contemporary authors have forgotten the spiritual substance of these experiments, so that their literary works remain mere exercise in style. Without the slightest bit of scholarly pedantry, The Mummery Book is devoted to the real problem that engages contemporary philosophy and political theory: finitude, mortality, the critique of egoic subjectivity, and above all the affirmation of life in the face of its apparently tragic character.

"The Mummery Book is a vortex...

If Dylan Thomas and Buddha shared a soul, The Mummery Book is what I would expect from such a joining. The Mummery Book is a vortex which, if you will permit it, will enliven, awaken, and rejuvenate the soul not only of this mortal life, but the soul of every existence possible. The Mummery Book is lucid, wild, an unraveling portrait of ego-life and a radiant vision of transcendence, which pass each other on the heart’s walk across the pages of this luminous book.

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News summaries

'24 Oct 15
We Are Consciousness Itself: New, Revised Edition

We Are Consciousness Itself: New, Revised Edition

We Are Consciousness Itself: A Communication Freely Offered to All from Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
In this new, revised booklet, Avatar Adi Da Samraj speaks about what is most basic to human existence. The fact of awareness. Awareness is more fundamental than body, more fundamental than emotion, more fundamental than mind. Most fundamental is not what we are aware of—but the simple fact that we are always aware. That constant reality of awareness is what Avatar Adi Da Samraj calls “Consciousness Itself”.

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'19 Oct 07
Not-Two Is Peace: New, Expanded Fourth Edition

Not-Two Is Peace: New, Expanded Fourth Edition

Not-Two Is Peace: The Ordinary People’s Way of Global Cooperative Order. The new, expanded fourth edition is now available. In this book, the World-Friend Adi Da speaks to the necessity of re-establishing human civilization based on principles of mutual trust, cooperation, tolerance, “prior unity”, and the limitless participation of all humankind in transforming its own destiny. 

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'16 Nov 29
Quandra Loka at SCOPE Miami Beach

Quandra Loka at SCOPE Miami Beach

In December 2016, Rademakers Gallery (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) showcased photographic images from Quandra Loka: The Indivisible Space of Conscious Light by Adi Da Samraj at the SCOPE Miami Beach Art Fair.

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'15 Jul 09
Bargello Exhibition at the Bargello Museum

Bargello Exhibition Opens to Media Acclaim

To great fanfare and praise, the exhibition THE ASCENT OF ORPHEUS: Between and Beyond Representation and Abstraction, by the American born artist Adi Da Samraj, opened at The Bargello National Museum in Florence on July 9, 2015. The opening was accompanied by a collaborative performance by the Florence Dance Company of Divina(dot)com, a ballet inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy, and integrating monumental projections of images by Adi Da Samraj.

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'15 Jun 04
The Ascent of Orpheus: Adi Da at the Bargello Museum, Florence

The Ascent of Orpheus: Adi Da at the Bargello Museum, Florence

For the first time in its 150-year history, the Bargello National Museum hosts a solo contemporary art show, THE ASCENT OF ORPHEUS: Between and Beyond Representation and Abstraction, by the American-born artist Adi Da Samraj. In an unusual bridging of ancient myth and digitally composed large-scale fabrications, the exhibition is Adi Da’s sweeping and at times demanding retelling of the famous Orpheus and Eurydice myth. The exhibit runs from 9 July to 11 October 2015 in two galleries off the Bargello courtyard.

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'15 Jun 03 The Art of Adi Da with the Florence Dance Company The Art of Adi Da with the Florence Dance Company

Gala opening July 9th, at Bargello National Museum in Florence.
The ballet, inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy, integrates monumental projections of images by Adi Da. The images move on screen in dynamic interaction with the dancers, and are also the inspiration for the costume design. Several musical sources combine to provide a multi-textured soundscape.

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