We Are Consciousness Itself: New, Revised Edition


We Are Consciousness Itself: New, Revised Edition

Oct 15, 2024

The Adi Da Institute (an element of the Adi Da Foundation) announces a new, revised edition of the booklet:

We Are Consciousness Itself
A Communication Freely Offered to All from Avatar Adi Da Samraj


Fundamental experience is not the experience of “things”.

Fundamental experience is the experience of Being Itself, of Consciousness Itself.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

This revised and redesigned, free booklet is now available online from the Adi Da Institute, one of the divisions of the Adi Da Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization serving the worldwide recognition and reception of the wisdom-teaching (Adi Da Institute), social message (Da Peace), visual art (Da Plastique), and literary art (Da Orpheum) of Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008).

Read and download it now at:  www.consciousnessitself.org  


What is most basic to human existence? The fact of awareness. Awareness is more fundamental than body, more fundamental than emotion, more fundamental than mind. Most fundamental is not what we are aware of—but the simple fact that we are always aware. That constant reality of awareness is what Avatar Adi Da Samraj calls “Consciousness Itself”. Not consciousness of anything—such as a bodily sensation, an emotion, or a thought, or a person or thing in our environment—but Consciousness Itself. In fact, Consciousness Itself is our real identity—we are Consciousness Itself. Because Consciousness Itself is the reality that pervades all of human existence, Avatar Adi Da calls it “the True Water of life”—the deep well of Truth that is the real Source of our living. To know that we are Consciousness Itself grants sanity, freedom, and happiness to the heart—despite the trials of our mortal existence. And the reality that we are Consciousness Itself is a message that Avatar Adi Da wanted all human beings to receive. Avatar Adi Da’s communication here is his gift to you.


His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj is known throughout the world as the Living Presence of Divine Reality, whose transformative Blessing remains forever active.

From 1939 to 2008, Avatar Adi Da lived an extraordinary human lifetime, devoted entirely to the purpose of revealing the Truth of human existence and establishing eternal means for the perfect Liberation (or Divine Awakening) of everyone.

Essential to Avatar Adi Da’s teaching is the revelation that the true nature of Reality is Infinite Luminous Consciousness, and all that appears is an indivisible unity arising in and as that. Thus, our presumption that we are separate individuals is an illusion—when, in truth, we are Consciousness Itself.

Avatar Adi Da was, and ever is, the Radiant Power of Divine Realization—making possible the Awakening from suffering and dilemma to the Free Condition of Consciousness Itself.

Out of compassionate regard for all beings, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da offers the message herein as a free Gift to you, and to all.

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