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Prior Unity: A New Book from Da Peace
Prior Unity: The Basis for a New Human Civilization. is now available from Da Peace. The message of the book is that the impulse to peaceful, cooperative coexistence is humanity’s “true north.”
“The Killers”, a short story by Adi Da, published in MAKE literary magazine
The Killers (A True Story About My Life—Re-told As a Parable About The Voluntary Death of Childhood), a short story by Adi Da Samraj, was published in Issue #15 (Summer/Fall 2014) of “Make” magazine.
Quandra Loka—An Exhibit of Adi Da’s Art in Amsterdam
From May 24th to June 29th 2014, Galerie Pien Rademakers presents the solo exhibition Adi Da ‘Quandra Loka’ in Amsterdam—the world premiere of large-scale limited edition color photographic work by the artist Adi Da Samraj.
Free E-book: We Are Consciousness Itself
This free 21-page booklet is now available online from the Adi Da Institute. It addresses the question: What is most basic to human existence?